86 research outputs found

    Persistence of antibodies to pneumococcal vaccine in patients with chronic renal failure

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    Persistence of antibodies to pneumococcal vaccine in patients with chronic renal failure and renal allograft recipients. Antibody response to the 14-valent pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide vaccine was measured by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (EIA) in 17 renal allograft recipients, 29 azotemic, 11 hemodialysis, and 33 control patients. The IgG, IgM, and IgA antibodies were measured against six pneumococcal antigen types 1, 3, 4, 6A, 8, and 19F. The control patients had the best antibody responses in the IgG and IgA antibody classes and the renal allograft recipients in the IgM class. The renal allograft recipients had significantly stronger antibody responses than the azotemic and hemodialysis patients. The hemodialysis patients had significantly weaker antibody responses than the control patients and the renal allograft recipients, and they also lost their antibodies most rapidly. Thus, the hemodialysis patients and probably some azotemic patients should be considered for re vaccination

    Xylitol-supplemented nutrition enhances bacterial killing and prolongs survival of rats in experimental pneumococcal sepsis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Xylitol has antiadhesive effects on <it>Streptococcus pneumoniae </it>and inhibits its growth, and has also been found to be effective in preventing acute otitis media and has been used in intensive care as a valuable source of energy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We evaluated the oxidative burst of neutrophils in rats fed with and without xylitol. The mean increase in the percentage of activated neutrophils from the baseline was higher in the xylitol-exposed group than in the control group (58.1% vs 51.4%, P = 0.03 for the difference) and the mean induced increase in the median strength of the burst per neutrophil was similarly higher in the xylitol group (159.6 vs 140.3, P = 0.04). In two pneumococcal sepsis experiments rats were fed either a basal powder diet (control group) or the same diet supplemented with 10% or 20% xylitol and infected with an intraperitoneal inoculation of <it>S. pneumoniae </it>after two weeks. The mean survival time was 48 hours in the xylitol groups and 34 hours in the control groups (P < 0.001 in log rank test).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Xylitol has beneficial effects on both the oxidative killing of bacteria in neutrophilic leucocytes and on the survival of rats with experimental pneumococcal sepsis.</p

    KansainvÀlisestÀ LINKS-hankkeesta oppia LUMA-opettajien jatkuvaan ammatilliseen oppimiseen

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    Luonnontieteiden ja matematiikan opettajien (LUMA-opet-tajien) jatkuva ammatillinen oppiminen voi tarjota ratkaisun tulevaisuuden osaajapulaan luonnontieteiden ja teknologioi-den aloilla. KansainvÀlisessÀ LINKS-hankkeessa tarkasteltiin luonnontieteiden, matematiikan ja teknologian opettajien jat-kuvan ammatillisen oppimisen toteutusmalleja viidessÀ Euroo-pan maassa. Risto Leinonen kollegoineen kuvaa artikkelissaan hankkeen kautta esiin nousseita strategioita, joilla voidaan tukea opettajien jatkuvaa ammatillista oppimista.Peer reviewe

    KansainvÀlisestÀ LINKS-hankkeesta oppia LUMA-opettajien jatkuvaan ammatilliseen oppimiseen

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    Luonnontieteiden ja matematiikan opettajien (LUMA-opet-tajien) jatkuva ammatillinen oppiminen voi tarjota ratkaisun tulevaisuuden osaajapulaan luonnontieteiden ja teknologioi-den aloilla. KansainvÀlisessÀ LINKS-hankkeessa tarkasteltiin luonnontieteiden, matematiikan ja teknologian opettajien jat-kuvan ammatillisen oppimisen toteutusmalleja viidessÀ Euroo-pan maassa. Risto Leinonen kollegoineen kuvaa artikkelissaan hankkeen kautta esiin nousseita strategioita, joilla voidaan tukea opettajien jatkuvaa ammatillista oppimista.Peer reviewe

    Elintarvike- ja vesivĂ€litteiset epidemiat Suomessa vuosina 2017–2019

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    Vuosina 2017–2019 Ruokaviraston yllĂ€pitĂ€mÀÀn elintarvike- ja vesivĂ€litteisten epidemioiden rekisteriin luokiteltiin tehtyjen epidemiaselvitysten perusteella yhteensĂ€ 169 elintarvike- tai talousvesivĂ€litteistĂ€ epidemiaa, joista 96 % oli elintarvikevĂ€litteisiĂ€. TalousvesivĂ€litteisiĂ€ epidemioita raportoitiin samana ajanjaksona 7. Elintarvikkeiden vĂ€lityksellĂ€ ilmoitettiin sairastuneen yhteensĂ€ 2 900 henkilöÀ ja talousveden vĂ€lityksellĂ€ 567 henkilöÀ. Kuten aikaisemminkin 2000-luvulla, norovirus oli vuosina 2017–2019 yleisin raportoitu elintarvikevĂ€litteisten epidemioiden aiheuttaja. Norovirus aiheutti 57 (35 %) elintarvikevĂ€litteistĂ€ epidemiaa. Suurimmat elintarvikevĂ€litteiset epidemiat aiheutti norovirus hoitolaitosruokailun vĂ€lityksellĂ€ vuonna 2018 (292 ja 110 sairastunutta). YleisimmĂ€t raportoidut vĂ€littĂ€jĂ€elintarvikkeet olivat kala ja kalavalmisteet sisĂ€ltĂ€en Ă€yriĂ€iset ja simpukat. Ne aiheuttivat 14 (9 %) epidemiaa. Toiseksi yleisin vĂ€littĂ€jĂ€ oli liha ja lihavalmisteet sekĂ€ kasvikset ja niistĂ€ valmistetut tuotteet (kumpikin 12 epidemiaa; 7 %). Yli 70 %:ssa epidemioista vĂ€littĂ€jĂ€elintarvike jĂ€i tuntemattomaksi tai vĂ€littĂ€jĂ€ksi epĂ€iltiin useita ruokia. Saastuneen raaka-aineen kĂ€ytöllĂ€ oli selvĂ€ yhteys 33 (20 %) epidemian syntyyn. Raportoiduista epidemioista 22 %:n taustalla oli lĂ€mpötilaan ja sĂ€ilytysaikaan liittyviĂ€ puutteita ja virheitĂ€. Infektoituneen keittiötyöntekijĂ€n osallistuminen ruoanvalmistukseen ja puutteellinen kĂ€sihygienia oli syynĂ€ 19 %:iin elintarvikevĂ€litteisistĂ€ epidemioista ja nĂ€issĂ€ melkein kaikissa tapauksissa aiheuttajana oli norovirus. ElintarvikevĂ€litteisten epidemioiden tapahtumapaikaksi raportoitiin useimmiten ravintola, kahvila tai hotelli (90 kpl; 56 %) ja toiseksi yleisimmin koti (12 kpl; 7 %). Norovirukset aiheuttivat suurimman osan (3 kpl) tunnistetuista talousvesiepidemioista. YhdessĂ€ epidemiassa epĂ€iltiin sapovirusta aiheuttajaksi. Suurin talousvesivĂ€litteinen epidemia havaittiin Nousiaisissa vuonna 2018. Sairastuneita raportoitiin 463. Taudinaiheuttajiksi epĂ€iltiin mm. sapoviruksia. Vuosien 2017–2019 aikana taudinaiheuttaja jĂ€i tuntemattomaksi 67 (41 %) elintarvikevĂ€litteisessĂ€ ja kolmessa talousvesiepidemiassa. UimavesivĂ€litteisten epidemioiden raportointi alkoi vuonna 2012. Suomessa raportoitiin vuosina 2017–2019 neljĂ€ uimavesivĂ€litteistĂ€ epidemiaa, joissa sairastui noin 200 henkilöÀ. Kolme epidemioista aiheutui noroviruksen ja yksi kampylobakteerin saastuttamasta uimavedestĂ€ tai uimarantaympĂ€ristöstĂ€. Ulostevahingon saastuttamalla allasvedellĂ€ oli mahdollinen yhteys kylpylĂ€ympĂ€ristön epidemiaan. JĂ€tevedellĂ€ saastunut luonnonvesi aiheutti yhden epidemian. Kahdessa uimarantaympĂ€ristöön liittyneessĂ€ epidemiassa uimaveden saastumisen syytĂ€ ei saatu selville

    Loss of NRF-2 and PGC-1α genes leads to retinal pigment epithelium damage resembling dry age-related macular degeneration

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a multi-factorial disease that is the leading cause of irreversible and severe vision loss in the developed countries. It has been suggested that the pathogenesis of dry AMD involves impaired protein degradation in retinal pigment epithelial cells (RPE). RPE cells are constantly exposed to oxidative stress that may lead to the accumulation of damaged cellular proteins, DNA and lipids and evoke tissue deterioration during the aging process. The ubiquitin-proteasome pathway and the lysosomal/autophagosomal pathway are the two major proteolytic systems in eukaryotic cells. NRF-2 (nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor-2) and PGC-1 alpha (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1 alpha) are master transcription factors in the regulation of cellular detoxification. We investigated the role of NRF-2 and PGC-1 alpha in the regulation of RPE cell structure and function by using global double knockout (dKO) mice. The NRF-2/PGC-1 alpha dKO mice exhibited significant age-dependent RPE degeneration, accumulation of the oxidative stress marker, 4-HNE (4-hydroxynonenal), the endoplasmic reticulum stress markers GRP78 (glucose-regulated protein 78) and ATF4 (activating transcription factor 4), and damaged mitochondria. Moreover, levels of protein ubiquitination and autophagy markers p62/SQSTM1 (sequestosome 1), Beclin-1 and LC3B (microtubule associated protein 1 light chain 3 beta) were significantly increased together with the Iba-1 (ionized calcium binding adaptor molecule 1) mononuclear phagocyte marker and an enlargement of RPE size. These histopathological changes of RPE were accompanied by photoreceptor dysmorphology and vision loss as revealed by electroretinography. Consequently, these novel findings suggest that the NRF-2/PGC-1 alpha dKO mouse is a valuable model for investigating the role of proteasomal and autophagy clearance in the RPE and in the development of dry AMD.Peer reviewe

    Climate change reshuffles northern species within their niches

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    Climate change is a pervasive threat to biodiversity. While range shifts are a known consequence of climate warming contributing to regional community change, less is known about how species' positions shift within their climatic niches. Furthermore, whether the relative importance of different climatic variables prompting such shifts varies with changing climate remains unclear. Here we analysed four decades of data for 1,478 species of birds, mammals, butterflies, moths, plants and phytoplankton along a 1,200 km high latitudinal gradient. The relative importance of climatic drivers varied non-uniformly with progressing climate change. While species turnover among decades was limited, the relative position of species within their climatic niche shifted substantially. A greater proportion of species responded to climatic change at higher latitudes, where changes were stronger. These diverging climate imprints restructure a full biome, making it difficult to generalize biodiversity responses and raising concerns about ecosystem integrity in the face of accelerating climate change.The authors analyse four decades of distribution data for various taxonomic groups to understand the shift of species within their climatic niches and the changing influences of different climate factors. The diverse and diverging climate imprints raise concerns about future ecosystem integrity.</p
